Anti Ageing
Apr 2021
5 Common Culprits of Premature Ageing
Do you have more fine lines and wrinkles than other people your age? Or perhaps, you want to cut out any bad habits that could contribute to your skin’s premature ageing?
Whichever it is, knowing what lifestyle factors can affect the appearance of your skin and the speed at which it ages can help you to keep your skin looking fresher and younger for longer.
From too much sun exposure to smoking cigarettes to smiling too often, keep reading to find out the five most common culprits of premature ageing. Plus, a few tips on how to turn back the clock from beauty experts.
1. Sun exposure
One of the most detrimental eternal factors, the sun’s ultraviolet rays, can break down key components of your skin, such as collagen and elastin, which are both responsible for keeping it smooth and line-free.
Furthermore, the sun’s damaging rays also affect melanocytes, leading to changes in your skin’s pigmentation and the appearance of age spots. Avoid skin damage from skin exposure by avoiding the sun at the hottest part of the day and always wearing sunscreen, even during the winter months.
2. Smoking cigarettes
If you are a smoker, you are more likely to have premature wrinkles than someone who doesn’t smoke. This is because smoking cigarettes causes your blood vessels to constrict, which reduces the number of nutrients and oxygen that is able to reach your skin.
As a result of this, your skin will lose elasticity and will, therefore, be more prone to fine lines and wrinkles. Plus, smoking dries out your skin which can make the appearance of ageing skin more pronounced.
Combat wrinkles that are caused by smoking with microneedling treatment that is specifically targeted to smoker’s lines.
3. Smiling and frowning
Although smiling and frowning cannot be avoided, they do unfortunately contribute to ageing skin. As you age, your skin naturally loses its elasticity, meaning that when you smile or frown, it has less capacity to snap back into place as it did when you were younger.
Of course, you shouldn’t avoid showing expression on your face purely to combat the signs of premature ageing, but you can adopt a preventative skincare routine that will help support your skin as it ages.
4. Genetics
Unfortunately, another factor that you cannot control, genetics, plays a key role in how your skin ages. The specific phototype and skin type that you were born with will make a difference in how quickly your face shows the signs of ageing.
For example, people with fair and/or sensitive skin are more prone to wrinkles at an earlier age than those with a darker phototype. However, other skin types that show the signs of ageing later can be prone to an uneven skin tone.
5. Pollution
Exposure to air pollution can trigger the release of skin-damaging free radicals that age the skin. Furthermore, pollution can accelerate the effects of sun exposure and oxidative stress, both of which can cause premature fine lines and wrinkles.
Prevent this by limiting your exposure to pollution and making sure you get sufficient sleep, as this is when your skin recovers and repairs itself. Do you have more fine lines and wrinkles than other people your age? Or perhaps, you want to cut out any bad habits that could contribute to your skin’s premature ageing?
Whichever it is, knowing what lifestyle factors can affect the appearance of your skin and the speed at which it ages can help you to keep your skin looking fresher and younger for longer.
From too much sun exposure to smoking cigarettes to smiling too often, keep reading to find out the five most common culprits of premature ageing. Plus, a few tips on how to turn back the clock from beauty experts.