Dec 2021
How Skincare Can Boost Your Natural Glow and Confidence
Most people will experience skin issues at some point. Acne breakouts, dry patches, chapped lips, and more can all leave us feeling like pulling the duvet over our heads and hiding from the world. However, boosting your skin confidence can help with overall feelings of health and wellness, improving mood and leaving us bright and bubbly, ready to face the world. Here are a few ways to help improve your skin and feel more confident. Looking after your skin and boosting your skin confidence is easier than you might think.
Find out your skin type
Many people don’t understand how to care for their skin type. As a result, there is a temptation to follow beauty routines regardless of whether they work for your type of skin or not. For example, if you have greasy skin, then moisturising isn’t always the best way to go. If you moisturise greasy skin, you must make sure it is not a heavy oil-based product, as this will block pores and create further acne outbreaks.
Look into anti-ageing treatments
There are many cosmetic anti-ageing treatments available that a professional beautician can carry out. These cosmetic treatments are designed to target specific issues and improve skin tone, leaving you feeling happier about your skin. Depending on what problem you want to treat, there are several treatments that might be suggested, including chemical peel, microdermabrasion, micro-needling, or laser skin resurfacing. An experienced practitioner will guide you and discuss the pros and cons of different treatments.
Protect your skin
Start a new daily skincare routine that doesn’t take too much of your time but is designed to help protect your skin. Wearing sunscreen is something that most people forget until the height of summer, but we should be using sunscreen on our faces all year round. The problem with the sun is that UVA and UVB rays damage the natural elasticity creating a saggy look and causing the skin to dry out and become dull looking. Use a cream with a sun protection factor of 30 or more and apply this to your face before make-up every day. When skin is exposed to the sun too often, it can increase the risk of melanoma and skin cancer.
Nourish your skin
It might seem strange to consider feeding your skin, but antioxidants are also brilliant for nourishing and ensuring you have gorgeous-looking skin that glows with health. Antioxidants can be found in vitamin E, vitamin C, and vitamin A. There is more than one way to ensure your skin gets antioxidants. Adding blueberries and kale to your diet is a natural way to increase your antioxidant intake. You can take antioxidants as a supplement, and they are also beneficial to prevent and protect against issues like heart disease and cancer. Finally, plenty of skin creams and serums are available that have vitamin E and carotene as part of the formula. These are applied directly to the skin to protect it from the issues caused by free radicals.